Building Resilience in Challenging Times


In today’s organisations stress has become a key factor in the management of human resources. Studies show that the number of stress related sick days has dramatically increased in the industrialised countries over the past decade.

The burden of workplace stress on employees is significant and represents an area in which preventative measures produce strong economic and productivity gains for employers and the broader economy.

Building Resilience

A workshop for Financial Advisors

Selling can be a stressful business. In the current climate, the stress of securing new business, FOFA regulations and client’s resistance to paying fees are all major causes of poor performance, lack of motivation and attitudinal derailment.

Without the know-how to be resilient, it is difficult to achieve outstanding results. This workshop provides advisors with the essential tools to feel optimistic, confident and in control when facing tough challenges.

"Meiron Lees' presentation received the highest rating from our 1000 delegates. He is a highly engaging speaker whose energetic presentation inspired our audience to be catalysts for transformation within their organisations.""

− HR Summit (Asia Pacific)

"Meiron has been an eager contributor to AITD’s conferences and events and the information he presents always hits the mark. His presentations are engaging, lively and most importantly contain essential messages for ALL managers and leaders."

Paul Dumble, CEO - Australian Institute of Training and Development (AITD)

"A highly skilled presenter, inspiring, captivating, motivating.
Funny & touching – passionate & interesting!"

− The Golden Door Australia